The Greatest Programs




The Greatest Story Never Told

4-8 of our professional improvisers make up a story on the spot with student volunteers from the audience. We will elicit a wide variety of suggestions for setting, character, objectives, and even empower students to make plot decisions along the way. Our goal is to give as many student volunteers as possible an opportunity to improvise on stage during the 30-60 minute performance. A professional improv piano player will support us with background music and even provide opportunities for us to make up songs on the spot!


Transform The Show Into A Book

Our design team transforms the improvised story we create together into a physical and digital book complete with text and illustrations. The digital book is emailed as a PDF download and one physical book is made from scratch with Japanese Stab Binding.


Novel Ideas

Students write their own stories and submit them to their teacher. The teacher selects 10 stories and the school mails them to us. We select 5 of the 10 stories and our 3 actor/improvisers will come out and perform the 5 selected stories with a few student volunteers from the audience. We invite the authors on stage before each story to talk briefly about where they got the inspiration for their story.




 Students learn the fundamental skills and strategies for improvising stories on the spot with an ensemble including: listening; support; give & take of focus; storytelling; agreement; staging; creating characters; cognitive process, voice & body awareness. This can be a stand alone workshop or may be a pre-show workshop experience giving students the immediate opportunity to put their new skills into action via the in-school performance in front of their peers.

 WORKSHOP LENGTH:      30-60 minutes

GRADE RANGE:         K - 12th

MAX # STUDENTS:     15 per class   




 Improvising Stories

Students learn the fundamental skills of improvisation and the core elements for creating original stories. Class exercises and games will focus on a variety of skills and concepts including:

team building; respect; focus; storytelling; body awareness; vocal awareness; staging; character creation; story constructs; imagination; listening; commitment; public speaking; confidence; creative thinking; decision making.  

 CLASS LENGTH:     40-60 minutes


 Improvising Stories for the Stage & Page

This class is broken up into 4 sections:

1. Intro to Improvisation - Students learn the fundamental skills of improvisation.

2. Improvising Stories - Students apply their improvisation skills to create and perform original stories with a beginning/middle/end on the spot.

3. Creating Our Story - Students apply their story improvisation skills to create a specific story with a strong point of view with characters they want to perform.

4. From Stage to the Page - Students take the story they have created for performance and write out the text, dialogue and create illustrations for the creation of a physical & digital book.

CLASS LENGTH:    30-60 minutes

GRADE RANGE:     5th - 12th

# OF CLASSES:    10-16



    We listen to your ideas and create original theatrical programming based on your goals and limitations.


      For questions or bookings:



      call Andrew at (773) 710-1639